Years ago, way back in 2012, I posted an amazing time-lapse video of a person’s travels around 17 countries. His name is Kien Lam, and he’s one of my favorite photographers. Simply put, his work is stunning.
It’s been a while since we’ve seen a new video from Kien, but a few days ago he sent me an email giving me a heads up that his latest time-lapse video is finally complete. Apparently he had numerous “complaints” from people the world over that his first video missed their particular country, so he’s gone ahead and remedied that. This new video takes us to another 15 beautiful countries.
But enough talk, here’s the video.
I recently returned from spending a week in Costa Rica. It was an amazing adventure, but watching videos like this make me excited to get right back on the road. After all, there’s a big world out there.
If you’re interested in seeing more of Kien Lam’s photography, you can do so by visiting his official website. There’s plenty of great work on there.