Unreal Tournament was one of my favorite games of my teenage years. Second only to Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) games such as EverQuest and Anarchy Online, I played Unreal Tournament more than just about anything. It was a wild and often exhilarating experience, and when Epic seemingly decided to axe the franchise, I was very sad indeed.
So here’s the good news: Unreal Tournament is back, and for now at least, it’s free to play in the form of an open Alpha for all interested and nostalgic gamers like myself. It’s being developed by a bunch of talented people from the Unreal community, and with a little luck, it’s going to be incredible.
Unreal Tournament 2015 – Pre-Alpha Season Trailer
This new alpha, and trailer, features new characters such as the Skaarj and female Necris, complete with unlockable upgrades. You’ll also find three new maps, including a remake of the legendary Facing Worlds that everyone loved so much in the original Unreal Tournament. I admit, it was one of my absolute favorite maps, possibly of any multiplayer game ever.

Are you excited? I know I am. If you’re interested in taking the alpha for a spin, then head over to the official Unreal Tournament website and get yourself signed up for the alpha. I’m super excited to see how the game continues to evolve and develop over the coming months and years.