What Is Mindfulness? Important Health Benefits

The article is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.

Mindfulness might not be the first tool that comes to mind when we consider our health regimen, but its importance cannot be overstated. Developing mindfulness may help to improve focus, generate more creativity, and can even help develop mental clarity.

In a world where conditions such as anxiety and ADHD are on the rise, mindfulness offers a way to rebalance our systems and reconnect with our emotions. These practices help your mind hit the pause button on the never-ending playlist of worries and what-ifs.

It’s more than just good vibes, though, as mindfulness brings various health benefits such as trimming down stress levels, boosting brain power, and improving your mental game so you can be sharper and more focused than ever.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of cultivating awareness. While there are many forms of mindfulness meditation that can be useful, mindfulness itself is the practice of simply being present and clearing the mind while noticing thoughts without interpretation or judgment.

This process is deeply rooted in neuroscientific principles, and studies have shown that mindfulness can improve neuroplasticity, or the capability of our brains to adapt and change.

By engaging in mindfulness, we open the door to a deeper understanding of ourselves. When we take time to listen to our thoughts and feelings without judgment, we can begin to discern patterns and triggers that may affect our well-being. This insight grants us the power to make more informed choices that align with our true values and aspirations.

Learn more about how online therapy with BetterHelp can help you recognize detrimental mental habits that may be difficult to discern on your own.

Benefits of mindfulness

Mindfulness isn’t just some buzzword that’s floating around the self-help circles. It’s like the mental equivalent of de-cluttering your closet. However, instead of old sneakers, you’re tossing out those pesky thoughts that have been stressing you out.

Emotional resilience

In times of stress, mindfulness helps to take the heat off. It’s a way to let off steam calmly and gently while allowing your body and mind to reset. Over time, you will learn to ride the waves of stress instead of wiping out each time a big one hits.

Mindfulness can be your anchor in the emotional storm. It teaches you to ride out the highs and lows with the finesse of a guru. You’ll be better at acknowledging those feelings without letting them kidnap you and take you for a wild, unwanted ride.

Improved focus

Practicing mindfulness can also level up your focus and help you be sharper than ever. It’s like having a secret weapon against daily distractions. You could be juggling emails, texts, and whatever life throws at you, all while maintaining the cool of a jazz musician in the zone.

Slipping into a state of mindfulness is like tuning the radio to the right frequency during a long drive. With mindfulness, you’re strengthening your attention so that you can sharpen your focus. It’s like going to the gym for your brain. With every mindful breath, you’re training your mind to silence the distractions and lift your concentration game.

Nervous system recalibration

Mindfulness is the real deal for your nervous system. Imagine your mind as a high-speed internet connection — always on and working at a high rate of speed. Practicing mindfulness is like giving this hyperactive connection a breather, slowing down the frantic data dump.

This act of slowing down helps to modulate your body’s fight-or-flight response, turning down the static of stress and tuning into balance and peace. It’s like tuning your nervous system from heavy metal to smooth jazz, creating a sense of calm that can begin to become your new baseline over time.

How to do mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation is about being present – like, really here – and letting that endless to-do list in your brain go for a bit. You can start super simple: find yourself a quiet spot, get comfy, and focus on your breathing.

With every inhale and exhale, notice where your mind is at. If a thought comes up, just notice it and let it go. Back to the breath.

As for the heavy hitters in the meditation game, you’ve got TM (Transcendental Meditation) and Simple Awareness. TM is a more advanced and structured form of meditation that comes with personalized mantras given by certified instructors. To perform TM, close your eyes, find your breath, repeat your mantra, and explore the space for about 20 minutes, twice a day.

On the flip side, simple awareness meditation is an entry-level method you can use to reap the many health benefits of mindfulness.

To start, sit down and pay attention to whatever is happening around you – noises, sensations, thoughts – without getting tied up in the drama. It’s all about observing without getting caught up.

So, whether you’re aiming for the deep experiences of TM or just exploring your mind with awareness, mindfulness is about giving your brain a break from the buzz. No need for to-do lists or enlightenment, just you, your breath, and finding some peace in the pandemonium.

Final thoughts

Mindfulness isn’t just for yoga masters and meditation gurus. Whether you’re experiencing chronic anxiety or want to up your focus and creativity, a mindful minute can be a game-changer.

If you’ve been searching for a simple and practical tool to help round out your health routine, mindfulness might just be your secret weapon. Keep it breezy, friends, and remember, a mindful day keeps the mayhem away!



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Rasha writes about family, parenting, and home décor for Unfinished Man. Drawing from her experiences raising her own kids, she provides tips on creating warm, welcoming spaces. Rasha also shares home staging expertise to help transform houses into magazine-worthy dream homes.

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