When you unexpectedly find yourself with a spare room, it can quite easily go unnoticed. Sometimes, you even have a spare room to start with and barely even notice. It seems like spare rooms can quite quickly become dumping grounds. And that’s understandable, in so many houses, that’s what they’re for. However, there’s no reason to let yours become one. Now, that might sound like more hassle than it’s worth, but this is definitely for your own good. Because right now, you’ve got an empty room that’s quickly accumulating dust and dirt, and that’s just a waste of space.
With a spare room, you should definitely be thinking about what you can do to make it more exciting. Remember, it’s your home, and you’re free to do what you want with it, so go ahead and make use of the space. But don’t just turn it into a boring old bedroom. You’ve already got one of those and who wants guests over to stay anyway? Instead, turn those excitement levels up a few notches. Just think of the possibilities! Because that spare room has so much potential to become more than just a bedroom; it can become the man cave that dreams are made of.
Build A Man Cave
Of course, your first choice is going to be to build your very own version of a man cave. No matter how big or small this spare room is, there’s likely to be a lot you can do with it. So do it. Go to town with the options you’ve got. Paint it your way, add in a comfy barcalounger, some TV, and the rest of your favorite things and you’ll have your own little slice of heaven right there in your family home! Need we suggest more?
Create A Home Theater Room
Maybe you’re a big movie buff? When that’s the case, how could you not want your very own cinema room in your home? While your spare room is collecting dust, you’re wasting very valuable time that you could be watching movies, movie-theater style, right from the comfort of your own home. So get setup and start watching!
Set Up Shop
If you’re a businessman, or you have your own interests on the side, could you benefit from a home office? You may already have a set space for it downstairs, but if not, you’re definitely going to want to give this idea some serious thought, and it could be the place you make your first bachelor billion from! At the very least, you should be able to get some productive work done – and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Stock Up A Library
If you love to read, then why not turn your spare space into a sort of library? When you’ve got more books than you could possibly count, you might be best off finding a proper home for them and creating your very own home library. This is a great idea if your reading material is already taking over the rest of the home, and you want somewhere to be able to sit and read when you feel like it too.
Prepare A Practice Room
Or maybe you’re not into reading much but you sure do like your music? If that’s the case, then you should definitely set up a practice space. And if you’re worried about it not feeling right, then get yourself some acoustic foam during the decorating process. Then, you’ll know that your tunes sound right and you’ll be ready to rock whenever the need calls.
Get Gaming
When you’re a big games buff, you should definitely think about turning your empty space into a gamer’s heaven. Right now, you might play your favorite games from your bedroom or living space, but wouldn’t it be so much cooler to be able to play uninterrupted from your very own designated gaming room, completely with comfy chair and snacks? We thought so!
Keep It Classic
If you like games, just not necessarily of the video variety, you’re going to want to think about keeping things classic. And what could be more classic than a billiards room? If you’re a fan of class and the best of yesteryear, this is going to be the idea that you love the most. Simply find your table, work on some retro decor, maybe add a drinks cart and your more classic man cave will be born.

Sup Up
While we’re on the topic of tipple, why not skip the side stuff and go straight for a stiff one? Drink, that is! Because isn’t it every guys dream to have a bar at home? And we’re not just talking about a sad little cart in the corner, or a drinks cabinet in the kitchen, but a full-on bar – completely with taps right there in your spare room. With a custom bar design and some quirky tables, a TV, and a little music, you’ll be the hottest joint on the block.
You might be male, but you’re still a well-groomed gentleman. And every man needs his own space to primp away in. Women love their walk-ins, but there’s no reason why you can’t create a cool one of your own too. If you’ve always wanted a walk-in closet and your spare room is in a prime spot, then why not turn it into your very own wardrobe and give your favorite fashions their own place to call home.
Store Supplies
When you’ve got a huge passion for a particular pastime, it may come with a lot of excess baggage. No seriously, you may have so much sporting goods or equipment for your hobby that you need to store it somewhere safe. From fishing rods and reels to camera lenses and lights, you may find that setting up an organized storage space in your spare room is the best solution of all.

Work It Out
While we’re on the topic of sports, maybe you’d also like to think about creating your very own home gym. Okay, so if the space you’re working with here isn’t the biggest, then you may only be able to fit in a mat and a couple of dumbbells. But it’s better than nothing. If you have got a little more room to work with, then go to town. Get a treadmill, machines, and even a TV if you want to stay motivated. Then you’ll have no more excuses for not getting in shape!
Get Creative
Maybe you’re more into creative pursuits than you are sports? When that’s the case, there’s no reason why you couldn’t make your spare room your very own art studio. This sounds complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. To make your own art studio at home, you just need to work with a style that you like, some great lighting, and your equipment. The rest is then up to you to get your art on.
Pen Friend
If it’s not art that you love so much, but words instead, why not think about creating your own writing room. When you’ve always wanted to pen the great American novel but you’ve never really found the right space to do it from, now could be the time to make one. Because there’s nothing quite like having a designated writing nook to let those words finally come to life.
When you’re an avid collector of something in particular, you might also like to think about using your spare room as more of a showroom. Maybe you’ve got some of your favorite pieces in storage, or kept away firmly in the office? With the right show cases or shelving, you could display your collectables for the entire world (or just your family) to be able to enjoy.

Second Space
If you haven’t got any kind of set interests as outlined above, or you’ve got all the room you need in the house – even an office and a man cave already, then why not turn this space into a second TV room? When the rest of the family is watching a show downstairs, why not head up on and create another TV room so that you can watch your shows in peace?
Knock It Through
Or maybe you’ve always wanted a bigger bedroom? Well, now could be the perfect time to get it. If your spare room is right next to your bedroom, knock on through and get the extra space you need. If you’re lacking in space in the master, then doing this could not only be the most practical of options, but you may find that opening up the internal space allows you to add more value to your home too. It’s a win-win kind of option!
Add On
On the flip side, you could also think about using that adjoining spare room to create an en-suite. Your master bedroom might also have a master bath, but if it doesn’t this could be the perfect option for you, and the best way to make use of the space. But let’s face it, any one of these seventeen ideas is definitely going to be way cooler than keeping the dumping ground you currently have.