I’ve developed this… habit, over the years. It’s not a drug habit, but I find it every bit as addictive. You see, while I’m walking down the street I’m constantly looking at people’s butts. A person’s butt says a lot about them.
Their fitness being the obvious one, but also their heritage, their style, etc. You can learn a lot about a person by checking out their butt. Besides, it’s fun.
Now, I also look at other things, like hair – both facial and on one’s head – and people’s finger nails. They’re also great sources of information. You can pick out a lot of details, but most of all these details tell me whether a person, shall we say… gives a shit?
Let me explain.
I often see men with chewed, chipped, broken finger nails. Tell me something, how pleasant do you think those nails feel when they’re inserted into a vagina or butt-hole? I’m going to hazard a guess and say not very pleasant!
I often see men with chewed up, dried out lips. How much fun would it be to kiss those lips? Probably not so great, right?
And what about those guys with wild, unkempt facial hair? Not the styled handlebar mustache that looks so nasty, but that you know the person at least puts a lot of effort into, but the neck-beard, grown out of apathy.
I think you see where I’m going with this…
You see, it’s all about the details. If you’re in a relationship, you owe it to your partner to stay reasonably well groomed; it’s just the right thing to do. I promise they’ll appreciate it, and it shows that details – and the safety of their orifices – are important to you. And whether you’re in a relationship or not, you owe it to yourself. This is you we’re talking about, why not put your best foot forward at all times?

Who do you think an employer would rather hire? A man that looks like he just rolled out of bed, or someone that took the time to cut their hair, their nails, and shave or style their facial hair? What about potential mates for that matter?
Maybe I’m an anomaly, maybe I’m the only person that notices these things, but I have a feeling I’m really not the only one. We’re talking about very little effort here, so what’s the harm?
Dear Chad..
Don’t ask questions like “..what’s the harm??”
If got balls.. State: “There’s no Harm !!”
Can you?
Men don’t care, there slobs and will continue being slobs