While growing up, I lived fairly close to a Nigerian family, the Bankoles. They were very religious and went to church every Sunday. One of my most vivid memories involves them. I was 9. My mother had just bought me a new three piece suit to wear to my aunt’s wedding. Trying it out for the first time, I loved it so much that I had to show my friend, their son Emmanuel. I ran down the street in the suit and modeled my new outfit proudly for him. “Pastor Pastor”, Emmanuel said, sounding impressed.
I was raised by atheist parents, so this title caught me off guard at first. Emmanuel cleared up that confusion, explaining that pastors are very prestigious people in Nigerian society and that he was just complimenting me since most of them wear suits to deliver their sermons.

While reading an online men’s grooming magazine article about why every man needs a suit, I suddenly recalled this story. What stood out to me was how Emmanuel immediately connected my wearing a suit to my being someone of prestige. That’s when I decided to buy myself a suit to expand my closet.
Naturally, I fired up my browser. My search for suit recommendations led me to Reddit. On r/askmen, I found someone talking about this suit that they bought; the X-Suit 3.0. It supposedly felt super comfortable and classy, but cost under $500. I was intrigued by this, so I visited their website.
The product description for the X-Suit 3.0 hosts a quote from Forbes’ that calls it the most comfortable suit. They go into the main selling point of the suit after that, a list that got me more than interested in actually buying a suit from their website.
The X-Suit 3.0, according to their website, comes equipped with the latest in comfort fabric technology, using a special grade of Infinite Flex fabric to ensure maximum comfort. This means that you can not only use this suit to exercise and complete your yoga techniques, but it also stays wrinkle free and is machine washable.
They also include a nice little gesture with each suit, shipping them without hangers or coat racks. Instead, they call their own bluff as they ship the suit, promising that it is wrinkle resistant enough to withstand any shipping conditions or packages.
The suits cost $495 each, but X-Suit offers a payment plan for $40/month so you can buy one of these without breaking the bank.
I ordered a midnight blue X-Suit, partly because of the claims they made on their site and partly because their name sounds like something out of a sci-fi novel. They have a handy measurement tool on their site that helps you to pick what size of suit you order. I was able to determine what size of jacket and trouser I would need fairly quickly.
My Verdict
The X-Suit I ordered arrived in less than a week as promised, in a cardboard box. Expecting the absolute worst, I unfurled first the suit jacket, then the trousers. To my surprise and delight, neither the jacket nor the trousers were creased badly, and after an hour or so on a hanger, I couldn’t see any creases anywhere.

Impressed by this, I decided to take the suit for a spin; I wore it to a meeting with one of my business associates. Walking into the lobby of the five-star hotel, I felt different. For what felt like the first time in this type of place, I felt confident; like I belonged. I was a powerful guy in a suit. The meeting went well.
I was struck by how free I felt wearing this suit. For some reason I’d imagined that I would need to walk slowly and carefully due to the price, but while wearing it, I felt like I could jog. I did, in fact, jog the last few meters to my car and it felt like I was wearing a tracksuit. No rips or tears in the suit fabric either.
This suit is good. I’ve not bought that many premium suits for myself (0 before this one), but I could tell that it was top quality. I’d recommend this for anyone who can afford it and needs a suit.